Field Report - Sam Starr
Question - You do everything from surf to flying fishing now, but do you have an early memory in particular that set you on the path to becoming an outdoor maestro?
Answer - After my senior year of high school my uncle invited me on a float trip down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. We rafted white water, watched wild life, flicked big flies to wild fish and so much more. I remember being back from that trip and thinking, “ok, I know how I want to spend my time.”
I pursued all kinds of outdoor activities after that. I wouldn't say I’m particularly good at any one things, but I’m ok at most. A jack of all trades outdoorsman.
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Q - 1,800 miles in two weeks is no small feat! How did you decide what to pack and keep it all together throughout all the stops? Do you have a system or do you just freestyle it?
A - We actually drove close to 5,000 miles round trip. Keeping gear organized was no small task, especially with two weeks on the road, and three people in one car.
We all packed minimally. Before we would leave for each destination we made it a routine to take literally everything out of the car, then put it back neat and organized. It actually worked pretty well.

Q - What was your favorite spot that wasn't initially planned? What brought you there and makes it now stand out in hindsight?
A - We stopped at a campsite near Eureka, California where we pitched our tents among some massive redwoods along the coast. We didn't plan on staying at pay-to-camp sites but when we drove around all day and couldn't find anything else, we decided to just go for it. It was an amazing place.
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Q - From Redwood National Park to Bonnville Salt Flats you covered some pretty diverse spots ecologically. What kind of clothing do you look for that can handle all the different elements?
A - I look for something tough. Something to help me stay organized. Something functional.
Q - Did any features on the pants or shorts stand out as helpful?
A - The zippered pockets are an absolute life saver. I tend to lose my things (phone, wallet, keys ) frequently so having that security, especially on the road was extremely helpful and comforting.
Q - Is there any piece of gear lacking in the outdoor market right now that would be useful on trips like yours?
A - It seems like the Outdoor Industry has made just about everything besides self cleaning clothes. I would greatly benefit from those. I tend to spill and have a bad habit of wiping my hands on my clothes.

Q - Say you have unlimited funds, gas, and time - where are you going on your dream overland trip?
A - I think it would be cool to wander around Australia for a while.
Q - Can we come with you?
A - Only if you can be okay with things going wrong and being uncomfortable. If you can have a positive attitude in any circumstance, that’s when you’ll get the invite.