LIVSN 2022 Recap
The last few days of 2022 are sliding off the calendar, but before we dive into whatever the next has in store for us all, we’d like to take some time to look back on how things played out this year for us.
It’s been a year of steady growth and expansion for LIVSN, all made entirely possible by our support network near and far. Whether you are a longtime fan or found us recently, we’d like to thank you all for helping us build our most successful year to date.
Here are just a few highlights of what the LIVSN team and steadfast supporters accomplished together:

Pants to the People
At LIVSN, we believe that each and every pair of legs that walks this green earth deserves pants. Not just any old “that’ll do” type of pants either. Pants that people are stoked about using from the first wear and that can hang with them for years to come.
In 2022, we introduced our long-awaited women’s line, which includes a more female-friendly cut of the Flex Canvas Pants and our Trail Tights.
Our unisex collection expanded as well with our fan-favorite Flex Canvas Overalls, and two sleek new hat designs rounding out our lineup.
If you enjoy digging into data, these are some broad statistics about our last year in terms of what we produced and where it went:
Over 10,000 pairs of pants sold
For all you math majors, that’s over 20,000 pairs of legs successfully clothed
Pants sold to all fifty states in the USA
Thirty-four sovereign nations sought out and bought our pants
Roughly 18% of the world. We’ll get there.
We are now carried in 125 fine retailers across the USA
Suffice it to say, that’s a whole lot of pants to make, process, and ship out around the world. The LIVSN crew has undergone serious internal growth to meet the market demand so generously placed on our shoulders.
Our Customers Became Our Owners
As a brand that originated on Kickstarter, we’ve always appreciated the value of crowdsourcing campaigns. When we heard about Wefunder, an innovative idea that allows backers to buy not a physical product, but a piece of company ownership itself, we were immediately intrigued.
We launched our campaign in April and successfully raised over $400,000 on the platform. This vote of confidence from the public meant the world to us, and we’re excited and set on returning our investor’s trust with sustainable growth and returns.
Additional Human (and Mechanical) Help Acquired
Right out of the gate this year, we knew we needed additional, full-time help to effectively manage our customer service needs.
We looked for someone capable, kind, and ideally with piercing green eyes and a sick mustache. Andrew Bounds entered the scene and matched all these criteria perfectly, and he has been rocking, rolling, and growing with us ever since.
Still, there was a noticeable hole in our team roster. We’ve been doing more tradeshows and events than ever and needed a trusty, iconic form of transportation to cart our merry about. We found Nigel, an unassuming F60 Landcruiser, and immediately recognized the potential fit for our needs. After a few tune-ups and a fresh coat of paint, he slid seamlessly into the company car mode like he was built for it.
Our Media & Event Expeditions
We put Nigel straight to work, and our crack travel team attended some of our first major trade shows in the country like Big Gear Show and Grassroots Connect. We love connecting with other brands and retailers at events like these, and we aim to attend even more in the years to come
In the last year, we also released two video productions in our new “Well Worn Life” series. These films will highlight figures around the world who embody the LIVSN lifestyle of doing more with less, all in a creative, sustainable manner.
Our first entry featured Kenny Arimoto, a happy-go-lucky character who created an innovative lifestyle and crafted unique bike pedals constructed from old wetsuits:
Followed up by a feature with Dani Reyes-Acosta, a climbing, biking, and all around outdoor enthusiast extraordinaire. See the trailer below, and keep an eye out for the full version when it releases in early 2023!
Back on the Home Front
While our office has been based in Bentonville, Arkansas since 2021, in 2022 we reshaped the front interior of the building to be the first official LIVSN showroom and store. Having a retail store is a huge step for any brand, and we thoroughly enjoyed giving our supporters a physical access point to our products and team.
Life Ahead for LIVSN
Like all businesses, we still dealt with some of the lingering effects of the pandemic through 2022 that affected everything from media shoots to production cycles. Overall though, life has been good to us here at LIVSN through 2022, and we think it’s worth taking the time to appreciate the progress and relative normalcy before 2023 sweeps us off our feet.
To our supporters around the world, thanks again for joining us throughout the ups and downs of 2022. As busy as the end of the year can be for us all, the relative stillness and raw potential of a fresh new year are almost here and in hand.
From all of us at LIVSN, we wish you a Happy New Year and hope that 2023 delivers to you an opportunity to dive into whatever passions you hold most dear. Thank you for enabling us to pursue our own through your continued support, we have a world of appreciation for you all!